Monday, May 22, 2006


Eleven day work spree. I didn't learn that until today, and I'm four days in, so, meh.

so meh.

Like some of the psalms should end with that. Shrug, that's how it is. He says I AM, what more should He say.

so meh.

Then this week I am going to visit a Fencing class, and bring Chance along, and probably take that "step" off the "cliff" and commit myself and my dough to sign up.

I'm already memorizing famous lines from Cyrano.

Falsehood! There! There! Prejudice! Compromise! Cowardice! What's that? Surrender? No! Never! Never!

Ah, you too, Vanity? I knew you would overthrow me in the end. No! I fight on! I fight on! I fight on!

Prince, pray God that is Lord of all, Pardon your soul, for your time has come, Beat, pass!

I fling you aslant, asprawl, Then as I end the refrain, thrust home!

I'm not going to learn to fence until I know how to actually affront. That's backwards, I ought to know how to fence first, but hopefully my rudeness will put my opponet off, for good, if I'm good as Cyrano.

Jibe, jeer, scoff, taunt. I lack those skills, so I have to resort to recitation.

Meanwhile, I want to write that the week is going well. IT'S MONDAY, for pete's sake.

And my internet doc is in Florida again! Which for some reason puts me out. Maybe it's Fark's Florida tag. ...

thanks for visiting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

JOhn, I hope you don't get in trouble in fencing class!

8:21 AM  
Blogger Jackson said...

I can always hide behind the teacher. And Chance, who stands 7ft 2.

not to worry

8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to fence, but I am so lacking in grace that I know I would be reduced to just whacking away like a child with a stick.

By the way, chum, I may be one of the Mumps statistics you've been hearing about in Iowa. They drew my blood yesterday and I should know for sure by tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I get the whole week off from work and I really don't feel that bad (headache and stiff neck, mostly).

I'm not supposed to go out in public unless I wear a surgical mask, so I've decided not to go out at all.A lot of time to surf the internet and catch up on old friends!

7:35 PM  
Blogger Jackson said...

Jerry, you forget, I fenced with you on that farm and after just that one time you always made me hold the post.

We buttressed a bridge that summer too. Or, well. You did and I watched.

9:22 PM  
Blogger Jackson said...

You, Mark! Hello! Thanks for visiting. I'm sorry you might have the mumps. What is it with Iowa. Also sorry to learn you have mountain lions now. (If you see one, stand up as tall as you can and raise your arms and roar. A surgical mask might frighten them away, too.)

Hope you feel better soon.

9:26 PM  

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