Sunday, March 11, 2007

First Annual Nazi Day A Wash

I was ten blocks away, assembling the Sunday New York Times during the anti-"Jew Communist" march in Colobocomo. Now and then I'd step out for a smoke and see if there was smoke rising behind the grand old Tigger Hotel (it's big red letters on top restored to their 1948 glory).

My last theory about this strange day was that the march was a diversion for a Great Robbery. But it was not to be.

Our state university town should be proud, despite what these close pictures show. Most people stayed away, as the City Fathers pleaded that they should every day on the front page of the Daily U.

A friend wrote to me, "communists, nazis, all the same to me". I'd agree but as you can see from the signs, these provocateurs were truly sub-normal race baiters. It wasn't a protest against the Left, it was a protest against "Jews" and "for" White people. So, yes this was more sickening than I imagined too.

Now you have to keep in mind that in Toledo in 2005, the Michigan Nazis called out black gangsters and were supposably there to protest black on white crime. Toledo was a counter-protester riot, with burning buildings.

Here in Colobocomo, they called out university Journalism Students. Who, quite frankly, are C students majoring in annoying leftist propoganda, which used to an area of expertise called "Reporting", practiced by cigar chomping, alcoholic men who were stridently anti-fascist and anti-socialist/communist.

So these Minnesota Nazis were pussies.

"Come on out, you four-eyed sissies. Lackeys to Jewish Movie Moguls! You Dateless Bookworms in your Che Guevera t-shirts!"

400 people came out, all right. But that's not a lot, considering there are probably 25,000 students.

The NAACP decided to hold their rally five blocks away, so there was no race confrontation, as feared. This was all some whitey P.C. vs. Un-P.C. thing.
Evidently the cops let these feckless Minnesota Nazis walk right into the Colobocomo Against Evil, and this was all over in about eight seconds. Everyone got the pepper spray, including the photographer. Hell, it looks to me like the cops sprayed one another too. See that stream of mace?
And the good people had their picnic on the other side of downtown. On a local message board, one "Starshine" asked for a report, what was happening on the other side of the Tigger Hotel? "Here we are cooking out, playing games. Everyone has a "Not In Our Town" shirt or button. Some of us are showing the children how to pot flowers and we're teaching them about plant diversity."

Yes. "Plant Diversity". (Oh, actually that makes sense, come to think of it.)

Later on the message board, it was announced that the police had followed the Nazi's "south on 63 several miles". It was about 3 p.m. so they left two hours early. No local Klan appeared, to my knowlege. So I cling to my belief there is no such thing.

Our skinheads are not European-Right, but Anarcho-Left (an oxymoron). One wrote that he was staying the hell away from downtown for fear of being mistaken as a fascist.

People rarely note, or choose to ignore, that the German Nazis were Socialists. Left or Right? They were national socialists, which meant, share the wealth of all the countries we plunder and enslave.
It occured to me the out of state licence plate on my car might draw some attention, and I later learned that this Minnesota branch did have some *gulp* Iowa members. My experience of the day was close to being oblivious, even being there at the newspaper. On my way home, driving downtown on Broadway, it was like any other day: we have a lot of thriving shops and lots of pedestrian shoppers, old and young, properous looking, colorfully dressed. There was the usual patina of freshly spent money. Minty green ice cream cones, Starbucks to-go cups. The youngsters, Junior and Senior High school age, walked in groups of five to ten, the grown-ups in groups of couples, and here and there the Ken Kesey types loitering unmolested, with guitars, drums and flutes. I saw a few obvious "activist" types, wearing vests covered with Peace Nook buttons. Shop windows all had signs reading, I can't quite remember the phrasing, "No Hatred Here".

I am proud of Our Town. As the time drew near for the march I'd become more angry than sardonic, even questioning whether this law of the land shouldn't be challenged in the courts once more. I know and deeply appreciate John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty", I understand that all ideas should have currency so the bad can be sorted from the good.

But this was not a debate, it was a provokative demonstration. That one needs a permit to gather at all seems questionable, but if you do need a permit, shouldn't it be to prevent melees as shown above? "Fighting words" are not, as I recall from 8th grade civics, protected speech. These fools drove into town to literally "disturb the peace".


Blogger Mimi said...

Just goes to show you that that "movement" is losing its teeth. Although I have to say that I hate those Che Guevera shirts as they even know who he was? I think some kids think they're wearing a picture of Antonio Banderas (ooo-la-la!).

4:46 PM  
Blogger Jackson said...

I think it's because he rode a motorcycle, and even though he was a murderer, well, he was a doctor too!

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know Antonio Banderas's former mother in law,,he married a girl whose mother lives there. Apparently he was a,,,bad,,,husband.

Anyway, wasn't Fidel's brother a doc too, the really mean one.

I have wondered, why do movements chose despicable people to lionize. Like that Mumia Dude who killed the cop.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Jackson said...

wait. maybe he was a lawyer.

anyway, he wrote the motorcycle diaries and it's like jack keroac only leftist, see.

If I was lefty i'd like a t-shirt with that sexy "Tania" Hearst holding the machine gun! hot mama.

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't doubt that Antonio was a bad husband. He says terrible things about Melanie when she gains one pound. I say terrible things about her because she is a crappy actress. And Che may have been a doctor, but so was Josef Mengele. I rest my case, I think.

5:49 AM  
Blogger Mimi said...

I am anonymous, btw.

5:50 AM  

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