Thursday, February 28, 2008

post note

I've got myself a blog post that's turned into another damned novella. What to do with this, I wouldn't even read myself unless I thought there was something in it about me.

February 28th. I hear we're in for a warming trend over the next eight weeks. Thank heavens.

My girlfriend has a child on the way! That's news to share! Yes. He's flying in from Maryland.

badabing! How was the delivery?
I present you with a 1956 televised divorce hearing. These are not actors. I know because the TV wouldn't lie back in those days.

Interesting couple. I'm inclined to agree with them both.

Better reception is here, at YouTube.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

A critique of practical reasoning

You will probably get better reception Here.

This is a delight, posing moral questions to precocious, perfectly at ease children on "Juvenile Jury" (an NBC show from the 1950's).

Note that six year old Billy Knight could be mistaken as a young Christopher Hitchens.

First question: A boy has to wear a kilt in a school play but he is afraid kids will tease him and call him a sissy. His mother wants him to wear the kilt. Should he be concerned about the teasing?

I'd say heck yes. He'd never live that down.