Seven days all new in a row for me.
My life is changing a little this January, which is usually like Month #13, past home plate, meaningingless.
I pray to be good; I try but rarely succeed in living each day deliberately.
Walked into work Monday, half-expecting to be fired and half hoping to be fired. But to be faithful to my prayer of that morning, instead I walked directly to the Boxx's office and said the words I needed to, to clear up a misunderstanding and secure my position.
(Now I say "misunderstanding". The truth is I'd taken advantage of some plausable deniability one day.)
You know you're in a rut when you're happy to get off work early to go have a root canal, I told the assembled at the Dead End Club.
I didn't mention that my game was to endure the (neccesary but no emergency) root canal to get a pocketful of Vicodin.
I am being remarkably responsible about my teeth recently.
About that. ...
Mama said it was "oh, nothing much, it might take a few visits", but when I'd talk to others their faces would cloud over ---or wince--- in sympathy. That kept startling me, and then they'd laugh (or cackle, actually). Someone at work told me I looked kinda green.
How could I know for sure I'd get my narcotic consolation prize? I resolved to be pessimistic. That he wouldn't give me the script, and this was after all a good thing since I'd be able to eat crow again.
Did I say crow?
Fifteen minutes into the procedure the doctor found "live tissue" (guess how he knew, yeah, guess! Elfin Frackin whack a dackin' A!) He expressed amazement.
In fact he said , quote, "I think I can say I'm astonished!".
My doctor is a man who, like me, waits for the chance to use favorite words. This was his chance, he announced. I'm gonna say it. "Astonished". I really am.
My tooth was still alive, so I half-wittedly decided this must change everything, and I wasn't having a root canal after all.
For an hour and a half, I thought we were doing some sort of elaborate, heroic engineering, like building tiny scaffolds around the tooth, buttressing it, preparing it for seven new storys and an atrium.
I relaxed, then. It wasn't a root canal, I thought, so I relaxed and gazed into the veiled nurse's eyes, which seemed to be gazing back into mine, though I knew they weren't. For awhile I was occupying myself trying to see into her soul, while she looked into my ancient egyptian mouth and probably thought "gosh someday we're all going to die, gee..."
Finally I closed my eyes, thinking that was more polite. Then when he was finishing I opened them in time to see smoke rising from my jacked open maw of death. I said, "O,E,AAAA!" and he said don't worry that's a sign of success.
The roots were filled. I don't know why they say "canalled". The roots were cannalled. I was grateful. He then got a piece of paper from the copy machine and with an ink pen drew a picture of what he'd done and what is yet to come. I admired him, and wondered if dentists aren't sculptures or painters in their spare time. Maybe they build ships in bottles. (I hope not, that would be a terrible hobby. Like a long car drive, too much time to think.)
I said is this going to hurt when the novacain wears off? He said no, but do you want some---
"Yes", I said before he said the word.
Got home, took some advice to pray and I'm surprised to report I didn't abuse them after all. Actually, I took less than prescribed, which is lucky since my tooth hurt for days.
I go in again Tuesday. And I will be the addict, I will be hoping for more. Once the prayer is said, though, it's a done deal. I believe this so strongly, there have been times I deliberatly did not pray. So, I pray I will pray and maybe you will pray that I pray that I pray.
I'd say something about wrestling an angel here but am not quite clear on the literary meaning. Should look it up...
Congratulations on your root canal! We all lied to you. It does hurt but we couldn't say that or you wouldn't do it.
Keep praying John!!
Actually that was the best description of a root canal I have ever heard or read. It would be nice if you could have some major surgery just to write about it.
I looked up this in my email:
"...root canals don't hurt. Pat"
Naw, you didn't lie.
Really, it wasn't so bad, I probably could have got by with motrin.
"It would be nice if you could have some major surgery just to write about it."
That's got to be one of the sweetest compliments a writer could recieve! From you, anyway.
I don't like those new morphine push button things. It was better when the nurse came and they had to guess how much you needed. They usually guessed so you were so happy you'd welcome any company at all.
Make friends with your roommates family, til it wore off. Then be annoyed with them...
Awww,,it would be sweet if you could have like a coronary bypass or maybe your gall bladder out and write all about it.
When my Father had an angiogram for his heart, he described his visual field suddenly cracking, just like a windshield, when they injected the dye. He said it was a "shattering experience" and he wasn't being funny. Maybe you could skip the surgery, get the angio and write all about it.
Or maybe bunions, you could have surgery under local and write about it!
Imagine what I am thinkin' JJ. You could have gotten away with 800 mg. of Motrin as long as you had no complications. It is a slippery slope my friend.
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