Friday, February 02, 2007


I'd be lousy on the witness stand today. I could be testifying that rain is wet and bachelors are unmarried men and my eyes would be darting like REMs in a fast moving dream, explaining that the predicate should be considered already part and parcel of the subject, and I've never been to Mars either, no sir, no one saw me there I'm as positive as positive could be, your honor!!

These expressions of outraged innocence are highly suspicious?

Somethings bothering me? Oh, yes I can testify to that too. You don't know me very well do you ? Oh, sorry.


No I mean I'm sorry that I seemed to imply you should know me. Or, like I was , hahah, accusing you of some failing for not knowing me. I don't like my tone is all, or I was afraid you didn't, you see. That's all.

You know, I got on the wrong bus and there's no sense in telling the driver, it seems that I just have to 'see how it goes'.

I am supposed to be testifying in Cranberry v Vladimir Hatrack, right? No? Is this my stop? OH that was my stop back there? I'm finished? Thank you , thank you for your merciful kindness, now my only worry is whether tomorrow can worry sufficiently about itself with no help from me because I am flagging, man.
Raspberry red, lemon yellow, ORANGE ORANGE!

I loved how their voices held the trophy so high when they realized "orange orange!" And it is lovely and sun kissed isn't it...


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