Monday, July 03, 2006

Vacation Kitchen Cabinet

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President Booze meets with 'Widely Credited' during 'Jackie Locket Lease Scandal'.

P: OK., just postpone (scratching noises) (unintelligible) just say (unintelligible) very bad to have this fellow sabatage your meeting. You know by the way on that recording he doesn't say 'duty' he says 'booty', like that's ...

Me: Yep. That's the basis, either way. We couldn't vote this weekend. I'll just leave it at that, Mr. President.

P: People chase girls. And the point is, it's a hell of a lot better for them to get drunk than to take drugs. It's better to chase girls than boys. Now that's my position and let's stop this crap, understand?"

Me: Yep.

P: I don't know if he'll get any ideas for doing it again because our concern political (unintelligible). We're going to look bad but we always look bad to the (unintelligible) and I say (expletive deleted).

Me: Leaving a message on the machine that he's got booty or duty calls.

P: Prostitute you think?

Me: Oh no. Some metal head. A damn socialist with a blind spot for communists. I checked out her myspace file.
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P: How much do you suppose he spent on her? Take her out on a date?

Me: You can ask him.

P: I'm asking you.

Me: Well, sir, I'm not going to do that. My resignation papers are in your desk, second drawer down, they're still there whenever you...

P: No, "Bob". It's all from last December's argument, you weren't here...Whether he'd ever pay for sex.

Me: I doubt if he bought popcorn, he usually hunts around for an empty bucket in the trash and gets a 'refill'.

P: I would just say, lookit, we're signing the damn thing this week, this month, whether he's on board or not.


Blogger Mimi said...

Hey! Why is Baby Girl's tail between her legs? Why is she slinking away? Did you yell at her, Jackson?

5:38 PM  
Blogger Jackson said...

Naw, she just got embarrassed for humanity , the conversation was below her dignity. She was perhaps a little disappointed at the presidents vulgarity... YOu know how pups are...

6:58 PM  

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